Tuesday, August 21, 2007

request for games

if you wold like a game type it in your comments and we will try to find it

Sunday, August 19, 2007

WE LOVE making movies!

The Jungle Book Pictures

Here is Collin and I in our costumes and make up for the Jungle Book play. We had a lot of fun!
Here is the whole cast . Here is Leigha in her wolf costume. She said it makes her look like the Chewy in Star Wars.
Here is the wolf pack. Leigha is on the far left.
Here is Collin after the show with his make up on. Doesn't he look sinister?
Here is Leigha again in her Chewy suit.
Here is mean Collin after he is done with his make up.
This is all the story tellers in their silly poses.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Wyatt sees the Blog!

This is my friend Wyatt looking at our blog.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Feeding the new Venus Fly -Traps!

Blue Collin

This is Collin studying his script after Leigha showed him the wolf dance she learned at practice today.

Day one of play practice

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Welcome to our new blog!

Leigha and I are starting our own blog!

Today we both went and auditioned for the Jungle Book play. I got the part of Nag the cobra. Leigha is a wolf. She has a silly wolf dance. We will have pictures later. The play is on Saturday so we only have five days to practice.